What Can Cause Wisdom Tooth Pain That Come And Go?
Posted on 5/15/2023 by Dr. Hallas
Many individuals have persistent discomfort due to their wisdom teeth. As a result, it might be difficult to determine what first triggered the discomfort. Yet, there are a number of possible reoccurring reasons for wisdom tooth discomfort.
Wisdom teeth impaction is a typical source of discomfort. Pain and discomfort may be experienced when a wisdom tooth is impacted, or unable to erupt completely from the gum line. This may occur if the tooth is developing at an angle or if there isn't enough room for it in the mouth.
Wisdom Tooth Pain Can Be Caused By Several Things
Infection is another possible reason for wisdom teeth discomfort, which may come and go at will. An infection may occur if germs or food particles get lodged between the wisdom teeth and the gum. This can lead to the tooth being removed. This may result in discomfort, swelling, and even fever in certain cases. The intermittent discomfort caused by wisdom teeth might also be caused by bruxism, which are the teeth grinding. You exert pressure on your jaw and teeth when you grind your teeth, which may lead to pain and discomfort. Those who clench or grind their teeth throughout the night as they sleep are more likely to have this problem.
Pain around the wisdom teeth may be caused by inflammation or infection of the gums, either of which may occur. Gum disease may also contribute to the development of cavities and other dental disorders, which can be painful. Gum disease is a common cause of adult tooth loss.
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