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Learning if You are a Good Candidate for Dental Bonding

Posted on 12/10/2016 by Dr. Hallas
A woman happy with her dental bonding treatment.Cracks and chips in your teeth are never fun. Not only can they make eating difficult, they can affect your self-esteem. After all, who wants to smile when a visible tooth is less than perfect?

If you have a crack or chip in one or more of your teeth, you may be a good candidate for dental bonding.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a type of cosmetic dentistry. It involves the application of a tooth colored resin to cover and fill in flaws - cracks, chips, gaps or irregular shapes. It is an affordable, non-invasive procedure and can last anywhere from three to ten years with proper care.

Your Teeth Must Be Healthy

Because it is a cosmetic procedure, it is not meant to restore your teeth. Therefore, your teeth must be in good condition before you undergo dental bonding. You need to have good oral hygiene. If you have any tooth decay or gum disease, these issues must first be resolved beforehand.

Only for Minor Fixes
Dental bonding is only meant to fix small imperfections. It requires less work than other options, such as crowns and veneers, which require further parts of your damaged tooth to be removed. It is not meant for more extensive damage that might otherwise require a root canal or even extraction.

Taking Care
For approximately two days following your procedure, you are advised to stay away from things that could potentially stain the bonding agent, such as coffee, tea, red wine, berries and smoking. In order to prevent damaging the bonding agent, you should avoid habits like biting your nails or chewing on ice.

You should also stay away from biting popcorn kernels or hard candies. You should always continue a proper oral hygiene routine.

If you have cracked or chipped your tooth, you may be a good candidate for dental bonding. Contact our office to discuss your options.


(906) 212-4725


Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
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