Posted on 12/20/2019 by Dr. Hallas |
![]() If you haven't had your dentures looked at recently, then you need to call our office and schedule an appointment. That way, we can ensure that your dentures stay as tight fitting as possible. How Often Should You Come In to See Us?You need to come in and see us at least 1-2 times per year, depending on your situation. We need to look at how your dentures are fitting into your mouth, and check their condition. We will also speak with you about how they feel when you are wearing them. The more you care for your mouth and your dentures, the longer they are going to remain comfortable and healthy to wear.What Happens if Your Dentures Don't Fit Properly?If you come in and see us, and we find that your dentures are not comfortable or have a poor fit, we are likely going to recommend that you get a new denture. You will need to have them replaced now and again anyway, simply due to the changes in your mouth. However, when you notice an improper fit, there are two options. One, we can make adjustments to your denture to help it fit, or two, we can replace it. We will not know which you need without an exam.Taking care of your dentures, including regular checkups, is important. You need to know that we want to see you regularly to ensure your mouth remains healthy. Even if you have no natural teeth left, we can still help you keep a great smile with regular maintenance of your dentures. Call us today! |