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Dental Bonding Can Chip So Be Careful

Posted on 8/16/2021 by Dr. Hallas
Dental Bonding Can Chip So Be CarefulWhile dental bonding looks just like a natural tooth, it is more vulnerable to chips and cracks. Therefore, you need to exert care when your teeth have been bonded.

Caring for Dental Bonding

The resin used for dental bonding is a non-porous material but is also not as strong as dental enamel. Therefore, you need to use extreme care when taking care of bonded teeth. That means you need to brush and floss regularly. Also, do not brush your bonded teeth too hard, as doing so can lead to erosion and chips and cracks.

Watch What You Eat

You also must be careful about what you eat when you have dental bonding. Some foods can erode the material, leading to chipping and cracking. Therefore, you want to avoid eating or drinking anything too acidic, such as tomatoes, oranges, or wine. In addition, you need to stay clear of crunchy and hard foods, which can easily chip dental bonding. For instance, the last thing you want to have happened is to fracture a bonded tooth by eating peanut brittle or similar crunchy food.

See Us Regularly

Our dental team can check your dental bonding to make sure it is in good shape. We can also professionally clean bonded teeth to eliminate problems with stains, plaque, and a build-up of bacteria. While bonding offers a conservative approach to whitening a discolored smile or filling in gaps or chips, you may feel like opting for a more permanent solution, such as thin-shell porcelain veneers. While bonding may last about ten years, porcelain veneers have been known to last from 20 to 30+ years.

Do you want to improve your smile's appearance? If so, now is a good time to call about getting dental bonding or another similar procedure, such as veneers. Call us now to schedule an appointment. Let us fit you into a time slot that will with your busy day.


(906) 212-4725


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8:00AM - 5:00PM
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