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What Happens if Your Dentures Do Not Fit the Right Way?

Posted on 11/14/2022 by Dr. Hallas
What Happens if Your Dentures Do Not Fit the Right Way?Dentures are oral appliances designed to fit in your mouth perfectly. They shouldn't cause any pain or discomfort. However, if you weae dentures for an extended period and start feeling pain or discomfort, it could be a sign that they are not fitting right. If you notice any of these signs, come to our offices right away for medical attention.

Misfitting Dentures

If your dentures are not fitting properly, a wide range of things could happen. For instance, the dentures will slide on your gums, cause great discomfort. When dentures rub on your gums, they make it hard for you to chew food or speak comfortably. This will result in swollen gums that make things even harder. The denture misfit could also result in some swelling. Remember that the presence of open wounds in your mouth can be very dangerous. If you don't treat these wounds, you are likely to experience oral infections like gum disease and tooth decay. This is why you should ensure that your dentures are properly fixed lest they cause more damage.

What Causes Denture Misfits

There are several causes of denture misfits. For instance, the jawbone could start shrinking after you loose several teeth. This is commonly referred to as dental resorption and it causes significant changes to the jaw shape and size. These changes will make denture start misfitting. Furthermore, those that tend to grind their teeth are also likely to have denture misfits. This is because grinding gradually wears down the dentures, affecting their fitting ability. To avoid such cases, you should wear protective mouth guards when sleeping. This will prevent you from grinding your teeth and increasing the risk of denture damage. You should also avoid eating hard goods for better protection. Contact us for more information on denture misfits.


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